You Can't Trust Your Heart

The heart is deceitful above all things

    and beyond cure.

    Who can understand it?

-          Jeremiah 17:9


The human heart is held by many as their compass and they steer their lives in regards to its True North. The whole world can be shouting one thing, but they say if you follow your heart you will be just fine. The heart is responsible for many people following their passions and changing the world, and also for all sorts of mischief; ranging from funny, to petty, to debilitating. It leads men away from their wives, into pointless wars, against people who are their brothers and sisters, and all-too-often away from God.

What you believe about your heart will always influence what you believe about the world, about life. A Secular Humanist may say that the idea of subjugation and servitude of a supreme being is foolish at best and harmful at worst because they believe that humans are inherently good, by and large. In essence, they believe that the human heart can be trusted. If you’ve ever regretted a decision that you made wholeheartedly, you don’t need scripture to tell you that this is not the case. That the human heart is fickle, fragile, and temperamental.

If you know this, then the only question is what to choose as your True North and you already know what I’m going to say about that. The whole posture of servitude to our Lord relies on the understanding that we are broken; so broken that we can’t even trust ourselves to lead us right. This posture is so inverse of our prideful human spirit that it can look wrong or weak, but the servant of Jesus knows that they have completely and utterly lucked out. They have been found by the one who knows them deeper than they know themselves, and loves them enough to show them their path. And the best part of it all is that our God has never once changed in all of his timeless existence. I have changed my mind on world-altering conflicts multiple times within a single meal and I will take that kind of unmoving, capital “T” Truth any day.

Accept that your heart is deceitful and indecisive. Accept that all that there is and ever will be was created by One who knows you and loves you to the marrow of your bones. And commit to that Creator as the compass of your life. He promises he will not lead you astray and he is faithful to the end.