When I say, “achievement” I have a very particular thing in mind, though these three building blocks apply to all kinds of success. What I have in mind is the achievement of following Jesus effectively by living a life that is personally fulfilling and missionally impactful. I am referring to a life that is lived not for success, but for significance.
If you want success, these three essentials will help you get there, and then you’ll one day find yourself where many have already arrived - successful but still empty. But enough of the disclaimer, let’s get on with the three building blocks.
If you want to move forward, intentionally and effectively toward achievement, you must possess three things: Vision, Intention and Means. This is the acronym VIM. Think vim and vigor, if you’re old enough to know that phrase. Let’s break these down:
VISION - a clear picture of a preferred future. This is to see clearly what you are pursuing - to see it, to desire it, and to make it THE object of your efforts. In my view the Bible offers the same vision for all followers of Jesus, consisting of two ideas: Altar and Stewardship.
Altar: The place where you meet alone with God for communion, consecration and commission. Where you hear from God, talk to God, and receive your marching orders for the day. It is the place of private health, which precedes public fruitfulness.
Stewardship: The disciplined lifestyle of a follower of Jesus that bears fruitful impact in the mission of Jesus. This is where you live out what God has put in; where you live FOR God with the strength you received FROM God at the altar.
A more simple way to describe the vision is to walk closely with God and serve the people whom God has placed where you live, work, study, and play. You don’t have to go looking for the mission of Jesus - He has brought it to your life and put it on the front row, through the people He has supernaturally and strategically placed in your life. They are your primary mission field, that you might serve them well and help them also walk with God.
INTENTION: the end or object intended; purpose. It is one thing to have an infatuation with the idea of a life lived on purpose. It is quite another to have the intention to live it. Intention is the commitment to actually give yourself to this vision. To achieve it or die trying, but you are all-in.
MEANS: an agency, instrument, or method used to attain an end. This is to have the actual instruments and methods required to live out your intentions. This is to have a strategy, some steps, and the consistent participation in said strategic steps that will move you toward your vision.
Vision, Intention and Means - We will discuss each of these, and give some guiding help for living them, in future blogs.